Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Fabric prints online

This looks interesting. Spoonflower, based in the US but will ship internationally and stock nine different types of fabric. What a good idea, I'm might give it a go myself.

Create seamless patterns online

Colourlovers.com has a nice page where you can create seamless auto-repeating patterns and let the rest of the community colourise them for you. As well as other colour related info.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Polaroid effect in Photoshop

Here are two different ways of creating a faux Polaroid effect using Photshop.
Polaroid 1
Polaroid 2
And here are some frames, you just need to remove the black inner and place your image behind.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Drawing without the Pen Tool

I'd recommend you watch this Lynda.com tutorial on drawing without using the Pen tool if you are having difficulty getting to grips with it. It is quite lengthy but worth watching from start to end.

Remember to access this via your UniHub login to get the whole chapter.